It's just a speck in this picture, but the bald eagle over the Rocky brought a touch of wilderness to the Emerald Necklace on Sunday. |
This is why I love fishing the Rocky River. It attracts huge crowds, yet offers solitude. It is minutes from downtown, yet is wild. Aldo Leopold observed that there are those who can live without wild things and those who cannot. I am the latter, yet I live in suburbia. I know the Emerald Necklace is a long way, in miles and in content from Leopold's beloved Sand County, but that I can find wild things here is a testimony to the wisdom of William Stinchcomb and a reflection of nature's resilience.
As the sun sank to the west, small aggressive male trout were chasing each other behind the active females. I landed 3 like-sized steelies swinging a size 8 minnow fly through the riffles behind the spawning fish. The fish struck the fly hard as it swung through the two-feet deep water. Later, while fishing a deeper run a steelhead crushed the fly and quickly ran downstream and I chased after it. The hefty female had no interest in heading back upstream and the high bank didn't offer any good spots to land the fish. The fish headed towards a tree with many branches hanging in the water. Unable to turn the fish I pointed the rod downstream and hoped the line would slide through the hundreds of finger-width branches dangling in the water without getting snagged. The technique worked, but the fish used the slack line to race farther downstream. I chased after it again. After a few more minutes I was able to tail the fish and cradle her in the slow water long enough to pull the hook from the corner of her mouth before releasing her.
Thank you for the wonderful birthday present Mr. Stinchcomb.
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